Welcome to Conversations of the Heart

A thousand miles would you run to speak with another who you knew really felt it and yet when you got there, find yourself speechless!
And yet your only joy would be to speak of it….words fruitful, and filled with fire.

– Unknown Author, Cloud of Unknowing

The Author of the Cloud of Unknowing knew of our desire for spiritual conversation and of our joy in finding such a person with whom we can speak of the Divine Beloved dwelling in the silence in the ground of our own  heart. Conversations of the Heart has been established by Robyn Fitzgerald to provide a contemplative space to embrace and deepen into these such beautiful conversations, through spiritual direction and silent retreat. 


Offerings in 2024

Mystic Heart: Desiring Love Sensual, Spiritual and Apophatic Knowing
Formation Course taught by Dr Kerrie Hide

For I saw fully and surely that our substance is in God.

And also, I saw that in our sensuality God is

For in the same point that our souls is made sensual

in that very same point is the city of God. ..

For God dwells blissfully in the soul without end

Julian of Norwich.  

In this Mystic Heart formation offering we will explore the Christian tradition of desiderium (divine-human desire) and enter into the wisdom ways of knowing that our eternal yearning for intimacy and oneness with divine love initiates.  We will focus on the nuances of the transformation of consciousness that occur through contemplation, by exploring the intricacies of the inter-relationship between the sensual knowing of the bodily senses, the sexual energies of eros, the spiritual vivaciousness of the mystical senses, the ecstasy of mystical union and the apophatic intuition that arises from yielding into the unknown in God in the oneing of Love, in a desire without end.  

Attention will be given to how spiritual directors may facilitate, in the spiritual direction encounter, the dissolving of binary thought patterns that compartmentalize ways of knowing, awaken new sensitivities to the touchings of Spirit and expediate the one praying into an ever deepening and expanding, evolving, oneing in Love.  

Emphasis is on claiming the ontological space of contemplation and nurturing the oneing heart awareness that arises in stillness and silence.   

The presentations and processes will assist participants to sensitively go deeper into their own inner journey, so they can lovingly companion themselves and others into the depthless depths of divine-human intimacy. 

In the light of contemplation, we will cultivate a confidential, trustworthy, and sacred spaciousness, which includes enhancing contemplative presence to each other and fostering communion consciousness.  

It is essential that participants have a routine of contemplative prayer, are in spiritual direction, and participate in regular retreats.  

The offering will be either face to face at the beautiful Santa Casa Retreat Centre, Queenscliff, Victoria, or online.  

Pearl of my Heart Praying with Gertrud of Helfta

6th – 13th September 2024 Hartzer Park, Bowral, NSW

O heart that diffuses gentleness. O heart that runs with loving kindness. O heart that overflows with charity. O heart that distills pleasantness. O heart full of compassion. Ah, make me die of love and cherishing-love for you. O dearest heart, I pray from my heart, absorb my heart totally in you. Dearest pearl of my heart, invite me to your life sustaining banquet.

Gertrude of Helfta, Spiritual Exercises, VII: 380-385


In this six-day silent retreat, we will awaken pearl eyes to participate in the life sustaining banquet that is the heart of Jesus. We will do this by immersing ourselves in the spirituality and teachings of Gertrud of Helfta. Through the paschal movement of her Spiritual Exercises – Rebirth, Spiritual Conversion, Dedication of the Self, Following Christ, Mystical Union, Jubilus and Life in Death – we will be drawn ever more deeply into the heart awareness that she celebrates in her beautiful prayer above.  Gertrud’s recently discovered text, The Memorial of the Abundance of the Divine Sweetness, which offers wise teachings about mystical dialogue taking place within and between our hearts  so critical to the birthing of the Christ heart in this evolutionary time, will also guide us in this movement.   For more information and register, contact Cathy at Hartzer Park Bowral


I Know You by Heart: Sensing the Heartbeat of the Baby Jesus at Advent

An Online Six Day Directed Silent Retreat for Advent

Monday 11th- Saturday 16th November 2024

Then the Soul took the child and squeezed him in her embrace and pressed him against her heart so that she could hear and feel his heartbeat

Mechthild of Hackeborn, Book of Special Grace, 1:5

During this six-day silent retreat, we will embrace and press our hearts into the breast of the baby Jesus born in a manger in Bethlehem.  We will listen for and feel the quiet vibrations of the Divine Heart beating in the heart of the little divine body in our own hearts and drawing our awareness into the heart of Christ in the Trinity.  As a small community, we will create a silent field of advent love, supporting each other to sensitise to this communal vibration of the Divine Heart unifying and calming all things as it is birthed in the world in endless, cherishing love   

The retreat will be an online directed silent retreat and will include daily spiritual direction (by phone or online) and communal morning and afternoon silent prayer. The cost is $360.00, and spaces are limited. 

For more information or to book please contact Robyn at robyn@conversationsoftheheart.com.au


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