Conversations of the Heart
spiritual direction and companionship
My lover, my lover, give me your blessing; flow out and let me flow in. From my heart, from my heart, I long for you, and I beg you, beloved of my heart, that I may be your own. Ah! For I am yours and you are mine. Make it so, that in your living love, I may sprout out in a new spirituality like the lilies that enjoy the water and the valley.
Gertrude of Helfta, Spiritual Exercises, II: 11-15
In this six-day silent retreat, we will immerse ourselves in the flowing of love in our hearts, flowing through all creation, in the flowing of love Gertrude of Helfta names “Beloved of my Heart”. Creating a small, silent communion, we will pray her Spiritual Exercises – a beautiful collection of affective, heart centred meditations unwaveringly dedicated to ever deepening union with God in contemplation.
This retreat will be offered to a small group of five people. Spiritual direction will be available each day. For more information contact Robyn at
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14.
My heart and soul rejoice in you, with all the substance of my flesh and spirit, through the being of the entire universe.
Gertrude of Helfta, Spiritual Exercises VI: 487
In the silence of Advent we will immerse our hearts in the fullness of love that has become us and dwells within us. We will enjoy the teachings of Gertrude of Helfta and Mechthilde of Hackeborn, especially their Advent writings, as we sense with all our heart the birthing of the Word in contemplation. We will delight in this birthing and its unfolding wisdom in this evolutionary moment, making everything new, everything worthy and everything one.
To register please email Sister Lizzie at
God loves nothing better than the desert, where the seeker goes to give birth to God and participate in the joy of birth, the joy of preexilic birth.
David Applebaum
4th -10th Dec, 2021
The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight the paths of our God. Isaiah 40:3
This Advent, we will walk the path taught to us by John the Baptist who had learned to empty himself so completely, to be “empty and bare as the desert” in which he lived, and where he discovered and enjoyed God’s birthing within himself. In the subtle beauty and the colourful hues of the silence of the desert, we will create the necessary quiet to prepare our hearts for the birthing of the Word, personally and communally. Over five days, we will soak in the wisdom of St John the Baptist, accompanied by the mystics, artists and poets who know this blossoming place in the soul, and are deeply versed in the wisdom of unitive consciousness.
The retreat will be facilitated by Robyn Fitzgerald who will be joined by Sister Madeline Duckett rsm to offer spiritual direction. The retreat will be offered on-line. The cost of the retreat is $350.00 and includes daily teachings, guided meditations and spiritual direction. Recordings of the material will be made available each evening. You are warmly invited to contact Robyn Fitzgerald at for further information.
12-18th October, 2020
Guided and Directed by Madeline Duckett rsm and Robyn Fitzgerald
This retreat will explore central aspects of the spiritual journey of Teilhard de Chardin for our own inner unfolding of being in the Cosmic Christ, It will focus on the hidden, mystical power of love and suffering to transform our hearts to becoming prophets of hope in a world in need of love. There will be opportunity for spiritual direction and we will celebrate the Mass on the World during the retreat. This retreat was offered online through Santa Casa, Queenscliff, Victoria.
6 -12 Dec 2020
Guided and Directed by Catherine Hefferan rsm and Robyn Fitzgerald
“When I know I am going to walk forever, I have time for now” says Thomas Hubl, echoing the wisdom of mystics over centuries who proclaim our eternal personhood and our timeless nature. This Advent, we invite you to come together to create a community of Silence where we will sink into the Eternal Presence that lies beneath all that is fragile, tender and hurting in our world. Here, in the ground of our heart, we participate in the eternal birthing of Christ Omega shining through each one of us and our communal heart where we will see, as Teilhard de Chardin writes, “the whole universe has become the temple of the living God….where…..everything that exists is sacred, and everything that happens is adorable”.
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